Thursday 11 August 2011

SPSS and reporting

hye ! this week we were required to make an analysis based on the qualitative data we have collected by create the theme for the discussion about the certain issue. 

the report must be in journal article format complete with reference as stated below; 
  • title
  • abstract
  • introduction
  • literature review
  • research approach
  • finding 
  • discussion 
  • recommendation and conclusion 
as usual working with my loyal partner, Wan Nazira Che Nor and I had decided to to divide the task equally so that it will be more organized, easier and save time ! 
as what has been mentioned in the previous entry, our online survey was a bout operating system which is Windows versus Ubuntu. 

we chose Ubuntu because it is different from the Windows and also one of the well known operating system that can be easily downloaded from the internet. What makes it different from the Windows is that Ubuntu is a   cost-no-money operating system. based on our readings, there are thousands of users all over the world are using Ubuntu compared to Windows. they are saying that, to be compared with Windows, Ubuntu is easier, simpler, fast, and secured operating system. but the subject matter is, in Malaysia, most of the computer users are using Windows as their operating system. so we tried to investigate what is the main factor as to why people use different kind of operating system. price seems to be the reason why. but the data collected based on the survey we have done before, only 3 out of 20 students are using other than Windows. 

based on the data collected, we have found that most of the respondents or students to be specific, are lack of knowledge about the operating system. 
when we first introduced Ubuntu to them, majority of them were saying that it was their first time hearing about it. The data collected shows that they are interested to know about Ubuntu. 
so teachers have to play their role in educating the students more on Information Technology (IT). it is undeniably true that we can see most of the peoples these days are using computers as one of the medium for their education, career, and social networkings. take Facebook for an example. there are millions of users are connecting across the world using computers, mobile and many other electrical devices. 

connected to internet through the browser, an operating system can actually gives a big effect on their computer system such as speed and security. if the operating system used is not compatible with the computer software, the system can be easily invaded with viruses and sometimes some of the application such as games, cannot be performed well. 

there are loads of things i have learned from this very assignment. well i have to admit that it is also my first experience conducting an online survey and learning about Ubuntu. 

**our report has successfully uploaded to yahoogroup. feel free to check it out :)
till then

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