Wednesday 6 July 2011

introduction to computer in education

5th july of 2011 was the first class of the subject Computer in Education. 
It was tought by our beloved lecturer, Mr. Tengku Azlan Bin Tengku Sulaiman. 
The class started off with the introduction of the three newcomers from IPG KB to Mr. Tg. Azlan. 
Mr. Tg Azlan, he without further ado, jump into the syllabus and tell us a basic overview of the subject.
WE were quite shocked when on that very first day of the class, he already gave us an assignment to be finished by Thursday ! 

luckily, the task given was sort of a piece of cake i might say HAHA
stated below is the summary of the task given :-

1.create a yahoo! and gmail account 
- this one is quite simple
- just google 'yahoo!' and then click on the button 'new user' 
- follow closely the steps given
- done ! isn't it as easy as ABC ?

2.register officcial facebook account AND create a facebook group by using our own name
- I believed everyone knows how to make a facebook account. need i say more ?

3.join a yahoogroup and then create our own group by using yahoo! id created in the first question above
- well. it is a new thing for me. i don't even know how does its functions ! even now --' 
- again, google 'yahoogroup' 
- make sure that you have your yahoo! account first
- sign in and then join your desired group
- once you have joined the group, go to your profile and find 'start you group' CLICK !
- follow the steps closely. easy.

4.create blog (using gmail account) anndd, post entry about the summary of what we've learnt in each class everyday.
- the same technique ! google 'blogspot'

- 'create blog. it's free. GET STARTED' see that orange button ? click on it. 
- go to setting, click on the 'publishing' and change your username to your favorite name

5.put your name, course you're taking, university and url of the blog, yahoogroup and facebook account in  
now you have FACEBOOK, YAHOOGROUP and BLOG. 
- go to your yahoo! or gmail account. set your email options and then edit email signature. click 'enabled'
- copy all the url(s) and paste it on it. don't forget to put down your name, course and university first.
- annddd finished !

and that is why this blog is created -just for the education purposes ONLY. you might found any useful informations here as i will be always updating notes for all of us. 
even though the tasks given was a bit simple for me, but I'm pretty sure that all of us were enjoying it. now we have realized that, being a teacher is not an easy job. being a teacher doesn't means that we only teach what stated in the syllabus. we have to always be in a good image as we're the role model for the new generations. keep yourself in trend with technology, fashion, and current news. be knowledgeable. use your Facebook or social network to socialize with your student and see what they're up to. correct them if they're wrong. build a healthy bond between them. teachers, you're their parents. be responsible to your kids.

till then, buhbye

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