Tuesday 26 July 2011

plan, search and evaluate (literature review)

on this third week class, we were needed to write a journal based on the topic that we have chosen in assignment 1.
again, this a pair work.
as usual, i with my loyal partner, Wan Nazira have to really struggle for this very week.
we're quite lagging behind compare to others.
so what we planned was to really make use of time especially today, to be able to finish this one assignment  by today ! ................... or maybe tomorrow. IngsyaAllah.
 or maybe next  tettttttt !!!

back to the topic,
the journal must be related with the first topic that we had done in our first assignment which is Operating System (OS)
what we need to do is to select ;
-2 journal articles from UKM subcription research database.
-one article from google scholar
-one from books.google.com

and then, identify a research problem based on the topic we had done in our first assignment; Operating System to be exact.
our research problem is 'is it true that Windows is the best Operating System?'
we had done some comparison between Ubuntu and Windows.
next, by using OpenOffice Writer, write a report on what should be done in Malaysia.
last but not least, juz like what we've done in the previous assignment, upload the files into our yahoogroup.

feel free to visit our yahoogroup !


thousands of thanks to Dr. Siti Fatimah Mohd Yassin for providing us links for online materials and for better understanding of the assignment. thank you !


loads of things I've learnt in the process of completing this assignment.
I just knew that there are actually Operating System that can be downloaded from internet for FREE !
shame on you, nini. 
meaning to say here, my discussion in the first assignment is not good enough. i need to dig deeper. i mean really deeeeeeeep......... --'
the free open source Operating System I've mentioned earlier refers to Ubuntu.
frankly speaking, the first time I hear the name, I felt like laughing out loud because it sounds super funny for me.
In malay, 'buntu' means a condition where a person has no idea of what she's been thinking of.
(the sentence goes something like this : "fikiran ku buntu memikirkan apa yang diperkatakan olehnya", more likely to "I have no idea what she's talking about")
so when Mr Kulan said Ubuntu, I was like "Ubuntu? Ibuntu jugak" because I have no idea what he was saying ! HAHAHAHA.
oke back to the topic. Ubuntu is actually the term which comes from South African. It is actually means I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE. The term is actually an ethic or humanist philosophy used in African. It has something to do with the movie we watched in previous semester; HOTEL RWANDA. you can just click this link for more information on that
the Ubuntu that is suppose to be explained here is; an Operating system.
Ubuntu is a free open source operating system. loads of sources I found in the internet saying that it is faar better than Windows. research has shown that;
It works faster than Windows.
easier than Windows.
and the most important thing is,
it is secure !
we don't have to be worried thinking about the malware and viruses invading our computer system. Ubuntu has a built-in security system that promises us a protected computer system, free from viruses !
so after all the readings we've collected, we have done with our report on Windows vs. Ubuntu.
do read to gain more information on Ubuntu. you may want to know what are the weaknesses of your existing Operating System especially Windows

till then, buhbye !

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