Thursday 21 July 2011


Assalamualaikum and a good day to all ~
what a hectic week ! loads of works to be done in such a short period of time. with the wireless connection here, pfftt, i guess i need to buy a broadband. maxis probably.
(this is so out of the topic)
oke. back to the topic.

In the second week lecture, there are 10 topics listed to be chosen and i with my partner Wan Nazira, chose topic number 5; operating system (OS).

operating system is a software that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software (for example, having a disk drive allows the applications / installers of a CD to be installed) without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be useless, regardless how sophisticated and moder the computer is.
In some other resources that i have found, operating system is said to act as an intermediary between application program and the computer hardware. it is found not only in the computer, but also in any device that contain a computer such as smartphones !

one of the example of POPULAR operating system is Microsoft Windows.

here is the link to our discussion on Facebook about this topic.!/groups/187308057994337?view=doc&id=190804010978075
hope u enjoy it !

learning Computer in Education wasn't easy as easy as i expected before.
the topic itself is a bit difficult for me as im not an IT savvy. Trust me, before this i wouldn't need to open my laptop and go online to see the updates from from friends in Facebook for example, not because i don't want to but i have no interest in doing so. but then, since the use of Facebook had change not only for entertainment purposes but also for EDUCATIONAL purposes, well, i guess i need to change it now. or else i will left far behind.
as previously mentioned above, we have chose Operating System (OS) as the topic to be studied for this week. back in 40s, the computers were built to perform a single task, such as calculator. at that time, OS did not exist and many electrical digital devices are meant to do only a single task. when OS had developed in 1960s, now the computers can run multiple of applications at the same time ! like what you are doing right now; you might listening to the music from youtube and at the same time, reading my blog. you may want to open Microsoft office words to complete your assignment and the best part is you don't even have to close other programs you opened before !

till then, buhbye.

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